Marvel Organics
Sludge processing
# Practice
Silt deposits
A layer of sludge is usually formed when cleaning the water and can be used in compost heaps or as fertilizer for most crops or soil ameliorants in agriculture as well as soil for gardening, "disturbed lands" restoring and recultivation of trial fields and other objects.

Heavy metals and highly toxic chemically-stable compounds always seemed to be impossible to remove and made sludge extremely dangerous sewage. Sludge is a supportive environment for intensive development of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and insects, their propagation in air, soil and water basin leading in most cases to pollution of rivers and lakes.

A prerequisite for sludge processing is: its dehydration, disinfection, detoxification and mineralization of organic matter.
Marvel Recycling Technology
A layer of sludge is formed when cleaning the water and further can be used in compost heaps or as fertilizer for most crops or soil ameliorants in agriculture as well as soil for gardening, "disturbed lands" restoring and recultivation of trial fields and other objects.

The composition of concentrated Marvel Organics microbiological agent includes a complex of chernozem-forming microorganisms that facilitate heavy metals detoxification and transform them into a water-insoluble form unavailable to plants' root system during humic acids formation process. Humic acid is a universal absorber of all types of heavy metals in cationic form as they form strong compounds with metal ions. As a result, plants do not absorb heavy metals from the soil resulted from sludge processing.

High effectiveness of this processing technology is confirmed by a number of scientific papers, in particular by dissertation by Semenov A. A. Ph.D in Biology "The effect of humic acids on plants and microorganisms resisting power to heavy metals" (State Commission for Academic Degree and Titles academic code: 03.00.27, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 2009). The obtained data proves an effective detoxification of heavy metals by biological activity of humic acids. It should be noted that there is a certain relationship between the effectiveness of detoxification and the concentration of heavy metals in raw materials.

It is unique in each specific case and for successful processing it is necessary to carry out a series of preliminary tests using different dosages of Marvel Organics and organic material.

This technology has already been successfully implemented in sludge processing on trial lots in Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar city.
Sludge processing of water treatment facilities waste in Mongolia
Test place: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Organic raw materials: water treatment plants waste and sludge
Objective: Neutralization of highly toxic waste and elimination of toxic odor of sludge
Marvel Organics application rate: 1 liter of Marvel Organics per 1 ton of sludge, 1 liter of Marvel Organics per 1,000 liters of waste
Thickening component: Rocky fine fraction
Moisture percent of working mixture: 50-60%
Fermentation period: from February 15, 2018 to February 27, 2018 (2 weeks)

Results: complete neutralization of toxic odor, neutralization of pathogenic microbiome and producing of soil suitable for further use in agriculture or city greening.

NPK mass fraction:
N 1.9%, P 1.54%, K 1.73%, Corg 40.6%.
The resulted soil's toxicology and sanitary tests results confirm its suitability for growing any crops.