of Marvel Organics microbiological fertilizer in Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Land Reclamation and Protective Forests RAS pursuant to Agreement №07/06-2018 P-RI of 7.06.2018 Dates: 27.04.2018 - 20.07.2018
Crop, name: Spring wheat, Kamyshanskaya-3 Type of ground: Open field Test location: Village of the Regional Agricultural Experimental Station, Volgograd Region
;Square, ha;Date of planting;1st treatment;2nd treatment;Date of harvesting
Based on harvest results pertaining to the plot where Marvel Organics were applied, there were received the best crop yields improvement – 1,9 ton per 0,5 ha. It showed 35,7 % increase against the control plot.
Gluten index at Marvel Organics experimental plot in volume of 10 L/ha has increased by 18,9 % against the control plot.